Gwyn and Sarah

Gwyn Lewis and Sarah Douglas delivered a project called Writing Tree. The project takes its name from the beech tree (or writing tree), whose Old English name bōc gave us the word ‘book.’ The project worked with the partners of new mothers to improve their well-being and develop a closer connection with nature. Participants took part in forest bathing sessions (immersive, mindful time in nature) and reflective creative writing workshops. These sessions were used as a catalyst for creative writing which participants will develop through workshops, reflecting on their time in nature. By improving their own well-being, the aim was that participants could better support their new families and nurture a connection to nature that can be passed on to the next generation.
This project was developed in partnership with the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board’s perinatal service and a full report on the project can be viewed here:
Gwyn Lewis is a PhD Creative Writing student at Cardiff University, working on a novel exploring trauma and the body, set in a fictional Eastern European Welsh colony. Sarah Douglass has been the Principal Clinical Psychologist for the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board since its inception in 2016.